About APIA Scholarship
The APIA Scholarship is a $2,500 award given to incoming and returning APIA undergraduates. The recipient will be provided mentorship, networking opportunities, and other resources.

APIA Scholars provides scholarships to students who are underserved by traditional colleges. These scholarships are given to students who are first-in-their-families to go to college. They are also given to students who represent the diverse communities of the Asian Pacific Islander population. The scholarships are given to students whose parents emphasize community service and leadership as much as academics.
Timelines are important for this scholarship because you need to be able to apply early enough to get into your school. You also need to submit your recommender letters early enough to make sure they arrive before the deadline. Your recommender letters should include information about why you deserve the scholarship. The finalist notification should come around mid-summer, and the scholarship recipient notification should come after the awards ceremony.
APIA Scholarship Program
APIA Scholars offers a range of scholarships to support APIA students. See below to learn about the requirements and to start applying!
The Gates Scholarship Program USA
How to Apply
Apply for the APIA scholarship program by submitting an electronic application. You can access your application and change answers as much as you want. Until MID-SPRING 2022, MID-SPRING 2022, EARLY SUMMER 2022, LATE SUMMER 2022 on Below Website:https://apiascholars.org/scholarship/apia-scholarship/
APIA Scholars Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be citizens, nationals, or legal permanent residents of the United States. Applicants must be enrolled as undergraduates in a U.S.-accredited college or university in the fall of 2022.
Students must submit an application for federal student aid by April 15th. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2,700 is required. Students must also complete the FAFSA form by April 15th. Recommendations must be submitted online.
APIA Scholarship Supporters
The APIA Scholarship Program is sponsored by 3M, The Coke Cola Foundation, Cox Enterprises, Edison International, FedEx, FirstRepublic Bank, McDonald’s, MUFG Union Bank, Nakupuna foundation, NBC Universal, Orchid Giving Circle Ralph Lauren, Target, Toyota, United Health Foundation, Walt Disney Company, and Wells Fargo.
Scholarship awards range from one-year $2,500 awards up to multi-year $10,000 awards. APIS Scholars provides scholarships to underserviced APIA students with a specific focus on those who: live at or below the poverty line or are otherwise of lower socioeconomic status; are the first in their families ever to attend college; are representative of the APIA Community’s diversity, geographically and ethnically, especially those ethnicities that are underrepresented on college campuses because of limited access and opportunity;
This school emphasizes community service and leadership as much as academics.
Students who attend AANAPISI schools are eligible for scholarships. You can learn more about this scholarship by visiting the website.
McDonalds HACER Scholarship Program
Complete Guide for APIA Scholar Succes Rate
Noël Harmon, PhD., president and executive director of APIA Scholars, believes that all Asian and pacific islander Americans should have access to higher education and resources regardless of their ethnic background, national origin, or finances. This purpose, now uphold by Dr. Harmon’s leadership, led to the founding of APIA Scholars in 2003, and the beginning of a coordinated effort to provide Asian and pacific islanders, American student scholars, with the opportunity to access, complete, and succeed after post-secondary education.
A lot of people are afraid of going to college because they’re worried about how they’ll get along with others or what they’ll be expected to learn. But there’s another reason why many people avoid college: they don’t know if they’ll be accepted into a school. And even if you do get accepted, you might not know what your major is until you arrive on campus. That’s why colleges offer programs like APIA Scholars. These programs help students who come from low-income families, who are first-generation college students, or who are part of any minority group. Colleges partner with them to make sure that students succeed.
A lot of people think of banks when they hear the name Wells Fargo. However, Wells Fargo is also involved in other fields such as education and healthcare. This company is trying to expose students to different careers by partnering with other companies.
The company has been forced to cut back on staff due to the pandemic. This means fewer people are needed to run the business, which allows them to focus on other things. The company has also had to change how they do business because of the pandemic.
APIA Scholars use Zoom to stay connected with their student population. They struggle with using it initially but eventually get the hang of it. Their students don’t show up as expected, so they’re forced to cancel classes.
Students were given the opportunity to connect with each other by staying connected online. This was a great way to help students stay healthy and feel better about themselves.
Mental Health is a taboo topic in Asian Culture. Depression is a common issue among college students. Students who struggle with mental health issues often feel isolated and unable to seek help. There are many resources available to assist students who may be struggling with mental health issues.
Mental health providers aren’t always aware of how important inclusion is when it comes to reaching out to underserved communities. This partnership with a mental health app helps connect students to services.
FBI Internship Program for Students
The top photo is courtesy of APIA Scholars. Learn more about other members who are also part of the Independent Sector. They are also part of the blog change works, dignity education, equity, identity, purpose, race, equity, and inclusion.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to study at Apia Scholars?
Apia Scholars is a private university located in Samoa. The school offers undergraduate degrees in Business Administration, Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology, and Nursing.
What does Apia scholar mean?
Apia Scholar is an organization that aims to provide education for underprivileged children. It is a nonprofit organization that helps students prepare for college through financial aid and scholarships.
Does this program have a website?
Yes. You can visit www.apiascholars.org/apply.html to find out more information about the program.
Is there a way to apply for the scholarship?
Yes. You need to fill out an Online application form.
Does the APIA Scholarship require an essay?
When will my tuition be paid?
Tuition payments start after acceptance into the program.
Will I receive financial aid?
Can I attend the University of California?
I want to apply for this program, but I’m not sure if I qualify. Can I still apply?
Yes. Apply anyway! You never know what could happen.
Why should I apply for this program?
This program provides free tuition, books, and fees for all students.
Is Apia scholars legit?
Yes. It’s accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Who founded Apia Scholars?
The founder of Apia Scholars is Dr. Atoese Tuitelea. He started the organization in 2012.
Do you Apia accept international applicants?
Yes. International applicants must meet the same requirements as U.S. citizens.
Are there any scholarships for women?
Yes. Women can apply for our scholarships.
What are APIA Scholar deadlines?
Deadlines vary. Until MID-SPRING 2022, MID-SPRING 2022, EARLY SUMMER 2022, LATE SUMMER 2022 on Below Website:https://apiascholars.org/scholarship/apia-scholarship
Where is the campus located?
It is located in Pago Pago, American Samoa.