The GPA system is used by almost every country in the world. Some countries like the US, UK, and Canada use a 4.0 GPA scale; a few countries like Israel have their GPA system, which ranges from 0.0 to 10.0. Similarly, some institutions in Australia have GPA scales ranging from 0.0 to 7.0.
However, in most parts of the world, a 4.0-scale GPA system is used. Hence, in this article, we will only be focusing on this system.

What is GPA Means
Also known as “Grade Point Average,” GPA is the average grade you receive in your exams. For example, if you got an A+ in all of the subjects in a semester, your GPA will be maximum. Although the maximum GPA awarded in most US schools is 4.0, some institutions do have a 5.0 Grading system.
Your GPA shows your educational performance in exams and school. It tells that over a period of time how good you did in your studies. Suppose you’re going to apply for further studies in any higher education. The first thing that the admission officer is going to notice will be your GPA.
It also explains your commitment to your studies, moral values, and discipline, plus it channels a message about your personality.
What is CGPA Means
The complete form of CGPA is “Cumulative Grade Point Average.” As the name indicates, it is the average of all the grade points you have received throughout your academic session. Let’s suppose you’re doing a bachelor’s in International Relations. Your CGPA will be calculated by adding the GPAs of all semesters and then dividing the sum by the number of credit hours.
In simple words, it is the average GPA of all the semesters/years of a particular course. CGPA explains the overall performance of your degree.
Difference between GPA and CGPA?
Although both CGPA and GPA show the performance of a student, there is a big difference between them. GPA talks about the performance of a single semester, while CGPA evaluates the performance throughout the complete session.
Reckon that, GPA is for a shorter time (one semester), and CGPA indicates a longer duration of time (more than two semesters/whole degree).
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Expert Advice: GPA has more weightage than CGPA when it comes to evaluation.
US GPA Conversion List
Grade | 4.0 scale | Percentage |
A | 4.0 | 90%+ |
B | 3.0 | 80-89% |
C | 2.0 | 70-79% |
D | 1.0 | 60-69% |
F | 0.0 | Equal or below 59% |
Using the method described above in the table, you can easily convert your GPA/CGPA to a percentage and vice versa.
Regardless of the above conversion, how will you convert 83% into GPA? Let’s find this out. Divide the 83 by 100 and then multiply it by 4, you get your answer in the form of a GPA, which will be 3.32.
How to Calculate CGPA and GPA
Calculate GPA
You can calculate your GPA pretty quickly. To calculate, add the grades of all the subjects of one semester and then divide it by the total credit hours of all the subjects of one semester.
Calculate CGPA
Just like you calculated the GPA, you can easily calculate your CGPA. First, add all the grade points of all the semesters. Then divide the sum by all the credit hours of all the subjects of the complete degree.
Point to be noted: A CGPA is the cumulative average of your GPA. You can calculate CGPA even for two or more semesters or for the entire degree. There is a misconception that a CGPA can be calculated for the entire degree only.
How to Get a Good GPA
Achieving a good GPA is directly proportional to studying well. Imagine going to any educational institute and asking any random student about his GPA. What reaction are you expecting? A harsh-scolding-look—like a person is trying to say, “Man, why are you asking this?” Students often feel embarrassed while reporting their grade points.
The reason is that it becomes difficult for a student to maintain a healthy rank throughout his session. Many distractions deviate him from his goal-things like overuse of technology, partying, and social responsibilities. On the other hand, a promising career depends on an excellent GPA to a great extent. Here are a few tips to achieve a good GPA:
- Be disciplined and organized: This is the easiest and the best way to achieve good status in your studies. Try it out for one week and taste the fruit,
- Be punctual: Bunking classes is a norm these days. Students skip lectures to hang out with friends without knowing that they are gambling with their lives. Be regular and punctual.
- Stop being a night owl: Ali Abdaal, a YouTuber, said in one of his videos that it is useless to stay awake after 2 in the night. Either partying or studying, you should sleep before 2 AM. Because of not doing so, you will wake up tired the next day and will not be able to focus on your task.
- Befriend someone with a great score: A person with experience can teach you all he knows in 10 minutes. Find a mentor, be it a fellow junior or senior. It does not matter whom you are seeking help from as long as you are learning.
- Study smart: In this world of high competition, a smart study is so underrated. Students often try to burden their brains to get good marks; instead, they end up forgetting even the necessary details. Listen actively, and you must join a library and study smart —we reckon, achieving good marks will not be a difficult task for you.
What is SGPA Means
SGPA is another term used for GPA. SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. SGPA is used to explain grades received in a semester.
Like GPA, you can calculate SGPA by adding the total grades of all semester subjects and then dividing the sum by total credit hours.
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Whether you are going to study at top universities or going to apply for a job, a good GPA can play an essential role in your success. Authorities check both GPA and CGPA to find out about the performance of a student. So, it is equally important to maintain your grades.
CGPA depends directly on GPA. Therefore, you should maintain your GPA to get a good CGPA. Be it a job title or studying your favorite subject, we wish you the best of luck in your career.
CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a measure of a student’s overall academic performance, calculated by taking into account all the grades received in all the courses taken during a specific period of studies, such as a semester or academic year.
GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a measure of a student’s academic performance in a specific course or program, calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted.
The main difference between CGPA and GPA is the scope of the calculation. CGPA takes into account all the grades received in all the courses taken during a specific period of study, while GPA only considers the grades received in a specific course or program.
To calculate CGPA, you first need to determine the grade point value for each grade received in a course. For example, an “A” grade may be worth 4 points, a “B” grade may be worth 3 points, and so on. Next, you multiply the grade point value by the number of credit hours for each course. Finally, you add up the total number of grade points for all the courses taken during the specific period of study and divide the total by the total number of credit hours attempted.
To calculate GPA, you first need to determine the grade point value for each grade received in a specific course or program. Then, you multiply the grade point value by the number of credit hours for each course. Finally, you add up the total number of grade points and divide the total by the total number of credit hours attempted.
The importance of CGPA vs GPA will depend on the context. For example, if you are applying to a graduate program, the admissions committee may place more weight on your CGPA, as it reflects your overall academic performance. On the other hand, if you are seeking employment in a specific field, your GPA in relevant coursework may be more important to potential employers.
Yes, it is possible to convert your CGPA to GPA. To do this, you will need to divide your CGPA by the total number of credit hours attempted and multiply the result by the number of credit hours per semester or academic year. For example, if your CGPA is 3.5 and you took a total of 120 credit hours over 4 years, your GPA would be 3.5 / 120 * 36 = 3.0.
Yes, it is possible to convert your GPA to CGPA. To do this, you will need to multiply your GPA by the total number of credit hours per semester or academic year and divide the result by the number of credit hours per semester or academic year. For example, if your GPA is 3.0 and you took 36 credit hours per semester for 4 years, your CGPA would be 3.0 * 36 / 36 = 3.0.