The Philippines is a gorgeous country where you’ll be able to experience a fascinating mix of Islamic influences, Malayan influences, Spanish influences, and American influences on Philippine culture. Not only does the Philippines offer its beauty to its citizens and foreigners, but the country also has one of the best higher education systems among Asian countries. Offering the opportunity for international students to study in English at a low cost, the Philippines attracts thousands of foreign students every year from across the globe. Most come from other countries in East Asian regions.
Although it’s not always possible for international students to attend university in their home countries, many choose to study abroad because they want to experience something new or learn about different cultures. The Philippines offers a wide range of universities that cater to all types
Scholarships in the Philippines Parents and Students Should Know
The Philippine government offers scholarships to students who excel academically. Some of these scholarships are offered by private organizations, but most come from the national government. These scholarships cover tuition fees, room and board, books, and travel expenses.
Government Scholarships for Students in the Philippines
The government offers scholarships for students who want to pursue higher education. These include both private and public universities. Private schools usually require a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above, while public schools often require a GPA of 2.5 or above.
CHED Scholarship
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is now accepting applications for scholarships and grant funds for SY 2021-22 under the State Scholarship Program (Full Scholarship and Partial Scholarship) and Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA). Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2020.
Application deadline: August 15th every year
Total benefits:
- PHP 120,000 per year for private colleges and universities.
- PHP 80,000 per year for public colleges and universities.
Primary Qualification: General Weighted Average (GWA) of at least 93%.
Other qualifications include:
- Filipinos who graduate from high school
- GWA: General weighted average
- 96% full scholarship
- Half-merit scholarship: 93%-95%
- You must enroll in recognized priority programs at private higher education institutions (PHEs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), or accredited local universities and colleges (LUCS) with certificates of program compliance (COPCs).
- Parents of applicants must earn a maximum combined annual gross salary of P400,000 (Solo parent and guardian salaries cannot exceed this amount).
- You must use only one government-funded student loan program.
To apply for CHED, you must meet both the academic requirement and professional requirements.
- An academic document composed of Form 137 or report cards from high school and duly verified copies of grades for Grade 11 (or Grade 10) and 1st Semester (or 2nd Semester) of Grade 12 for graduating students.
- Income documents can be any of the following types of documents:
- Latest ITR of parents or guardians, if employed
- Certificate of Tax Exemption from the BIR
- Certificate of Indigency from the barangay
- Certificate/case study from DSWD
- The latest copy of the contract or proof of income for children of OFWs and seafarers.
CHED priority courses:
Please note that CHED has an applicant’s priority course list.
- Engineering and technology – examples of programs under this discipline are Food Engineering, Geodetics Engineering, and Industrial Engineering.
- Science and Math courses to consider include Biochemistry (Biology), Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Geological Sciences.
How to Apply for CHED Scholarship
- You must register by region.
- Upload your document requirements in PDF format.
- Remember your username and password.
- Check regularly with the CHED Regional Offices to keep up to date with recent changes.
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GSIS Scholarship
The GSIS Scholarship Program for Filipino Students is also known as the GESP. For SY 2021-22, GSIS grants scholarships to 5,000 children whose parents are GSIS members with the lowest annual basic salaries.
Deadline for applications: September 8th each year
Total benefits: PHP 10,000
Primary qualifications: Children or family members of active GSI contributors
Other qualifications:
- Students who are college freshmen or sophomores without scholarships from public or private organizations are eligible for the grant.
- Parents have permanent employment and their salaries are within the salary grade of 24 or lower.
- Pay off any loans that have been outstanding for more than three months without paying them off.
Don’t worry if you don’t qualify for the GSIS Scholarship. A college education financing option you might want to consider is an educational loan from the GSIS.
Requirements for the GSIS Scholarships
To apply for the 2021-2022 GESP SY grant, here are the required documents:
- Student ID card.
- Registration certificate of grades
- A certificate from a college verifying that your enrollment or acceptance has been verified for the current academic year and indicating your course, the duration, and your year level
- To be eligible for admission into our program, you must have a grade point average of at least 80% in high school with no incomplete or failed grades in any subject within the past year.
- Certificate of employment or service record (if applicable).
- Fill out the entire GESPA application form completely.
How to Apply for the GSIS Scholarship
- Fill out the application form.
- After completing the application form and submitting it, send a copy of it to [email protected].
DOST Scholarship
To help students interested in pursuing careers in science and technology, the DOST offers scholarships through its S&T Scholarship Program.
Deadline of application: Check on DOST Official Website
As of this writing, the scholarship application for SY 2021–2022 is closed, but those who are aiming for SY 2022–2021 should wait for the announcement of the DOST during the 3rd quarter of 2021.
Total benefits: PHP 80,000 – PHP 120,000 per year
Primary qualification:
Applicants should be members of the STEM strand in high school or belong to the top 5 percent of their class for the non-science strand.
Other qualifications include:
- Filipino citizens
- Poor, talented, and deserving students who come from families whose economic situation doesn’t meet certain standards;
- Residents of the municipality according to the barangay
- A healthy person who has good morals
- Must not have any college or university units
- Have not taken any past examinations but would like to take the DOST-SEi Undergraduate Scholarship Exam
- Qualifier for the DOST-SEi Undergraduate Scholarship but did NOT avail of the award
- You must pass the scholarship examination.
DOST Scholarship Requirements:
- Personal Information (Form A)
- Household Information Questionnaire (Form B)
- Form C for Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Form D for Medical Certification
- If an applicant has completed the principal’s certification program, he/she must submit Form E1 if the applicant belongs to STEM strand class and Form 2 if the applicant belongs to NON-STEM strand class.
- Certificate of Residency (Form F)
- Parent’s Certificate (Form
- Form H: Applicant’s certification (Form
- A signed declaration by the applicant and the parent or legal guardian (Form I).
- Recent (1”x1”) picture
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Parent/s recent Income Tax Return / W2 / Employment Contract for OFW / BIR Certified of exemption from filing of income tax return/Brgy. Certificate. of Indigency
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DOST priority courses
Here are some of the many courses you might consider when applying for a DOST college scholarship:
- Applied Mathematics
- Information and Communications Technology
- Architecture
- Materials Engineering
- Astronomy
- Mathematics
- Astronomy Technology
- Mathematics and Science Teaching
- Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education with Specialization in Information and Communications Technology
How to Apply for DOST Scholarship
Once government scholarships for college in the Philippines from DOST are already available, follow the steps below to apply:
Download an application form online via www.science-scholarships.ph or contact any DOST office and regional center.
Contact the following for inquiries on the DOST scholarship application process:
- Telephone number: (02) 8837-2071 loc. 2382
- Mobile number.: 09278868816;
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Online system: www.science-scholarships.ph/support
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/CHEDscholarship
Private Scholarships for Students in the Philippines
The government offers scholarships for students who want to pursue higher education. These include the National Scholarship Program (NSP), which provides financial assistance for tertiary education; the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) scholarship program, which covers tuition fees and living expenses for overseas Filipino workers; and the Philhealth Foundation Scholarship, which covers tuition fees for students enrolled in health-related courses.
LANDBANK Scholarship
The Landbank Gawad Patnubayan Scholarship Program was hailed as a successful development project by the Association for Development Finance Institutions in Asia and the Pacific under the Corporate Social Responsibility Category of the ADFIAP Award 2014. It was also chosen to be the champion for Best CSR Project at the BAIPHIL Awards in 2017.
Scholarship benefits:
- Full tuition
- Monthly allowance
- Book allowance
- Thesis funding
- Licensure examination subsidy
- PHP 30,000 – PHP 50,000 cash incentive for honor students
Primary qualification:
- Freshmen: GPA must be at least 85 or equivalent and have no failing grades in any subjects.
- Students who are entering their second year or third year of college: GPA of 2.5 or above with no grade lower than 3.0 or its equivalency in any subject
Other Qualifications:
The following may be eligible to apply for the Gawad Patnubay Scholarship Program:
- Filipino citizens
- Have been accepted into partner universities
- Ideally, dependents of active members or beneficiaries of cooperatives of small farms and fishers currently being helped by Land Bank or LCFI, or of ARBs and ARCs
- Must not receive any other financial assistance, grants, or scholarships from other external sources
- Annual total family income cannot exceed PHP 300,000 per year. Exemptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis as may be determined by the selection committee.
- You must fill out a duly completed scholarship application form which can be obtained from Landbank‘s partner universities which include Cebu State University, Central Mindanao University, and the University Of Mindanao among others
- Photocopy of the certified true copy of birth certificate PSA certified birth certificate
- Two 2”x 2” ID photos
- Medical certificate
- Photocopy of recent ITR of parents or BIR certificate of tax exemption
- A certified true copy of grades
LANDBANK Scholarship priority courses
Agriculture-related disciplines like BS Agriculture and BS Fisheries
How to Apply for LANDBANK Scholarship?
Students who have passed the qualifying exams or who are currently enrolled in one of the 17 partner schools and are taking up an agriculture-related course may submit the application forms and all the other requirements through their respective university student affairs offices on or before the published deadlines.
Megaworld Foundation Scholarship
Megaworld Foundation started its college scholarship program in 1999 to help bright, deserving students. The program had 5,800 grants and 600 graduate students from 2007 to 2018.
Scholarship benefits:
- Full tuition fee
- Annual allowance
- Opportunity to work in Mega World Corporation and/or its affiliates
Primary Qualification: An average of at least 85%, and with at least 80 percent grade in all subjects
Other qualifications:
- Certificate of upper 10 percent class ranking of graduating batch
- Pass the results of an examination, a test, or a written assignment (a photocopy but you need to bring the original).
Megaworld Scholarship requirements:
- Birth certificate of the applicant (original needed for verification), and guardian (photocopied but need to bring the actual document for verification).
- Income tax return (ITR) not more than P 300,000.00; combined gross annual income (copy) / Affidavit of Tax Exemption for Father and Mother or Guardian (copy); birth certificate (copy)
- Utility bills such as electricity, water, internet, and so on. Two by two I.D. pictures.
- Two 1×1 I.D. photos
- Photograph of the applicant and his/her guardian
- NBI Clearance
How to Apply for Megaworld Scholarship
After completing the above requirements, applicants must complete additional documents and go through exams and interviews to further evaluate their qualifications.
Applications without complete details and requirements will not get reviewed.
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Read Full Guide Below
Prepare in Advance
The scholarship application process can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! There are many scholarships out there, so start early by researching them and applying for those that fit your needs.
Start Collecting the Required Documents
The scholarship application process varies from one country to another. In some countries, you may need to submit documents online. If you’re applying for a scholarship through a university, you’ll likely need to provide transcripts, letters of recommendation, test scores, and any other relevant information.
Learn More about the Scholarship Program
The scholarship program offers scholarships for undergraduate students who want to pursue a degree in medicine at the University of Santo Tomas (UST). Applicants must submit a 500-word essay explaining why they should receive the scholarship, along with two letters of recommendation.
Search for Scholarships Online and Apply Early
The scholarship search process is easy and quick. All you need to do is enter some basic information about yourself, upload some documents (resume, transcript, etc.), and then wait for the results.
Plan Ahead
The scholarship application process can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! There are many scholarships available for students to apply for, so start early and keep searching.
Prepare Well for Interviews and Entrance Exams
The most important thing to know before applying for scholarships is what type of scholarship you want. There are many different types of scholarships, including merit-based, need-based, and need-blind. Each has its own set of requirements, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with all of them.
Be Firm and Consistent
The most important thing to remember when setting goals is to be firm and consistent. If you set yourself a goal of losing 10 pounds by December 31st, then it’s unrealistic to expect to lose 10 pounds in one month. Instead, aim to lose 1 pound per week. This will give you a better chance of reaching your goal.