College students often complain about having to take SAT or ACTs. Some colleges even refuse to accept test scores from applicants who haven’t taken these exams.
SAT and ACT are standardized tests that measure college readiness. Some schools require them, but they aren’t mandatory at every school. If you want to apply to a selective college, you must submit SAT or ACT scores.
However, there are other ways to get into top colleges without taking SAT or ACT. These include applying to specialized high schools, attending a community college before transferring to a four-year university, and enrolling in dual enrollment programs.
A look at how to prepare for college admissions if you do
What Is The SAT-ACT, And Why Is It Sometimes Required?
The ACT was created by the College Board in 1926 and has since become one of the most popular standardized tests used to assess college readiness. The ACT consists of English, math, reading, and science — each worth 25 points. Students who score between 19 and 24 receive a composite score of 2.0, which indicates they are proficient in all areas tested. Those below 19 receive a combined score of 1.5, suggesting that they are not experienced in any area tried.
Colleges That Don’t Require SAT Or ACT In The US
Many schools out there don’t require SAT or ACT scores for admission. Some are private institutions, some are public universities, and others are community colleges. If you want to know which ones they are, check out this list from College Board.
Colorado College does not require SAT or ACT scores
The college focuses on experiential education; students spend one year studying abroad before they graduate. Students who want to study abroad must submit a portfolio of their work to the school’s admissions committee.
Ithaca College lets you choose whether or not to send test scores
The college has a policy where students who fail SAT/ACTs can send to colleges. This allows students to improve their grades without worrying about what score they will receive.
St John’s University allows you to send an essay instead of test scores
They’re not required to take SAT/ACTs, but they accept them if you want to apply to college. The application process varies from school to school, so it’s best to check out their requirements.
The University of Puget Sound will let your write essays instead of test scores.
The University of Puget Sound has announced it will allow students who fail to score high enough on standardized tests to take alternative measures of academic performance, including writing essays instead of taking exams.
Smith College does not require applicants to submit test scores
The college has a long history of accepting students without SAT/ACT scores. It was one of the first schools to admit women without high school diplomas. It’s also known for its vital academic programs and low tuition costs.
College of the Holy Cross values grades over tests
Colleges that don’t require SAT scores often have lower graduation rates than those that do. This may be because students who perform well academically tend to apply to schools to receive better grades.
Bowdoin College does not require test scores for most students
The college has a strong focus on experiential education, which means that it’s less focused on grades than many schools. Students who want to attend will be required to take SAT Subject tests in English, math, science, history, foreign languages, and writing. They’ll also be tested in reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Marist College cares more about high school performance than test scores
In 2016, Marist College began allowing students who scored below a certain SAT score threshold to attend without taking the SAT. The college’s admissions office said it was concerned about the “stress” of preparing for standardized tests.
Connecticut College does not require tests to apply
The college has a policy requiring students to take SAT exams to pay $50 to $100 per test. Students who don’t pay will be denied admission. The college says it’s trying to keep costs down by encouraging students to take the exam at least once before graduating high school.
The University of Evansville does not require most students to submit SAT or ACT scores.
If you’re looking at college applications, it’s essential to understand what schools look for. Some schools will consider test scores if they’re part of a composite score. Others may only accept one test score. Still, others won’t consider any standardized tests.
The University of South Dakota does not require SAT or ACT scores
The University of South Dakotas website says it doesn’t require standardized test scores for admission. It’s a private school, so it’s not required by law, but they may choose to accept students who meet specific criteria without them.
California State University Fullerton does not require test scores from high-performing students.
Students who attend CSUF are required to take SAT/ACTs. The university doesn’t require any specific score, but it recommends taking the ACT. If they fail to meet this requirement, they will be denied admission.
Texas Tech University will automatically admit you if you’re at the top of your class.
The university has a new policy that will allow students who score in the top 10% of their high school classes to apply without taking SATs. Students from schools outside the United States must submit scores from the ACT exam instead.
James Madison University no longer requires standardized test scores
The university decided not to include SAT/ACT scores in its admissions decision because it was too costly to administer them.
Loyola University Chicago has a test-optional policy
Loyola University requires SAT scores for admission, but students who choose not to take it can still apply. Students who attend Loyola must pay $100 per year for the SAT testing fee.
George Mason University offers a ‘score optional’ program for select students.
The university has created a new policy that allows students who want to take the SAT but don’t have access to it to score their test online instead. Students will still have to pay $50 to take the exam at a testing center, but they won’t have to worry about missing out on college admissions because of a bad score.
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The University of Arizona lets you decide whether or not to submit test scores.
The University of Arizona has a new policy where students can choose to submit SAT/ACT scores to college admissions offices. This means that students who attend schools like Arizona State University, which doesn’t require SAT/ACT scores, will now access a broader range of scholarships.
The University of Texas Austin has a top rule.
The university requires students to take SATs every year. Students who fail to score at least 700 out of 1,600 points will not be eligible for admission. This means that only one-third of applicants are accepted into the school.
Wesleyan University has a ‘test optional’ option.
The college requires students to take SATs if they want to apply. If you’re not planning to attend, you can opt out of taking the test by completing this form online.
The University of Delaware does not require test scores for in-state applicants.
The University of Delaware doesn’t require SAT/ACT scores for students who apply for admission. It’s one of only two universities in the country that don’t require standardized testing for in-state applicants.
Rollins College has a ‘test score waived’ option.
The school offers students who meet specific criteria the opportunity to waive their SAT scores. Students must take the ACT instead.
Wake Forest University says ‘numbers rarely tell the whole story
The university has said it will not change its policy after a student was accused of cheating by using a calculator app during a test.
George Washington University is test-optional
The university has made it optional for students to take SATs. Students who opt-out will still receive a score but won’t compare them to others’ scores.
Brandeis University has a ‘test-optional’ policy.
The university’s president said it was “a great opportunity” for students who want to study abroad. But some critics say the move will leave thousands of students without a degree.
New York University has “one of the most flexible testing policies of any college or university.”
The school doesn’t require SAT scores from students applying for admission. Instead, it uses a holistic review process that considers grades, extracurricular activities, recommendations, and essays.
SATs aren’t required for all colleges, so students should research each school’s needs before applying. They may also consider how high the standard is for specific majors, such as medicine or law. Also, consider that many prestigious universities allow students to get waivers if they need extra time to prepare for the SAT or ACT.
What do you think? What are other college options for people who don’t need to take an SAT/ACT? Let us know in the comments below!
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What is a test-optional college?
Colleges do not require test scores, but they do accept them. You can decide to submit your test scores or not. If you do, you’ll be able to show off your high test scores. However, if you’re low-scoring, you might as well work on those other things.
What is a TestFlexible college?
Colleges do not require SAT or ACT scores when you apply. However, if you want to be considered, you must submit your SAT or ACT score.
What Is The SAT/ACT, And Why Is It Sometimes Required?
The SAT is an entrance exam used by colleges to judge students’ academic ability. The test has two parts: the verbal section and the math section. The SAT is standardized nationwide, allowing for comparison across states and schools. Students take the SAT twice, once in January or February to get a score for the year and again in April or May to get a score for college admission. The ACT is also standardized across the nation, but four sections instead of two. Each team takes about 40 minutes to complete. The SAT and the ACT are taken by millions of students each year.
If You Have SAT or ACT Scores, Should You Still Submit Them?
We recommend taking tests as soon as possible. Scores may be higher than expected, and even if they aren’t, submitting scores gives you more options when applying to schools. Schools do not look at standardized test scores when deciding if you should be accepted into their program. These tests are essential, but they aren’t required. Strong SAT/ACT scores will always be helpful for colleges. You should submit them even if your score isn’t high enough to get into the school. Test scores are important, even if they aren’t required. Schools recommend submitting test scores if you can. However, if your test scores are low, it might not be worth it to offer them. If you have strong test scores from another exam, you should submit those instead.